Counseling for Pre-Teens

Helping pre-teens find their way as they straddle the line between kid and teen

Being a pre-teen can be very challenging and as a parent, it is hard to figure out what is typical behavior from worrisome behavior. It could be navigating peer pressure, academia pressure, family changes such as divorce or loss, and social media pressure to name a few. And now we have the pandemic changes to add to the equation. Life has gotten tricky for everyone and learning how to be resilient and adapt is paramount in today’s culture.

Our counselors want to help; in fact, this is their passion! If you are a pre-teen or the parent of a pre-teen and feel lost - please contact our office and let the Client Care Coordinator find the right fit for you. We are open and ready to help pre-teens find their voice, and write their story. We are here to give them tools to thrive!


Common Topics:

  • Changing family dynamics - divorce, blending families, new sibling

  • Grief - loss of sibling, parent, loved one, friend

  • School pressures - stress from academic, athletics, social relationships

  • Managing friendships, peer-pressure, friend groups, social isolation

  • Self-harm, suicide ideation

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Executive Functioning

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Learning Disorders


Does your pre-teen need help? Signs to look for:

  • Inappropriate anger

  • Increasing defiance

  • Withdrawn from normal activities

  • Significant changes in sleeping habits

  • Significant changes in eating habits

  • Sharp decline in grades across the board

  • New nervous ticks such as nail biting, hair pulling, feet tapping

  • Bed wetting

  • Health ailments such as headaches, stomachaches or weight changes

  • Changes in relationships wit parents

  • Social group changes or not wanting to make social plans

Come find your spot with us.

Your stop for a healthy mind


Let’s talk!